KP Snacks

Caring for our colleagues

We place a lot of emphasis on both physical and mental wellbeing for everyone at KP Snacks. Regular wellbeing initiatives for colleagues throughout the year focus on everything from safety in the workplace, healthy eating and exercise to getting enough sleep and supporting financial wellbeing.

Through the Wellbeing centre on our colleague platform, KP4ME, our Munch, Mind, Mood and Money interactive platforms provide recipes, workouts, financial guidance and information on a vast range of health and wellbeing topics. And around 150 KP colleagues have chosen to train as Mental Health First Aiders (MHFAs) – a first point of contact for anyone with mental health worries or colleague who need someone neutral to talk to.

We mark World Mental Health Day at all our sites, including workshops and events, talks about mindfulness, stress awareness workshops, colleague walks, tea, coffee, fruit treats and information sharing. Many sites have created outdoor wellbeing sites for local colleagues.

And every year we provide Health Kiosks across KP in support of Know Your Numbers, which is about knowing and managing blood pressure. In 2022 over 1,000 KP colleagues used these to obtain their own personalised health assessment. Some identified high blood pressure for the first time and could make changes to deal with the problem. Many more took the assessment as an opportunity to make significant lifestyle changes including weight loss, improved sleep and managing their work life balance.