KP Snacks

Health and Safety

Health and Safety is core to our values as a company. It guides our strategy, beliefs and behaviours with the aim of achieving an injury free workplace with a positive culture of engaged colleagues.

Our safety vision is to achieve zero health and safety losses and to live a culture where all employees care for each other.

We have in place a H&S management system that provides assurance that we manage operational risks which have supported performance improvements each year supported by:

  • Behavioural Safety Discussion to encourage positive change in employees’ behaviours and attitudes
  • A ‘Safety Leadership for Leaders in Business’ programme to drive our safety culture
  • Driving a mature safety approach through our Safety Culture survey and building each year on that feedback

We’re proud that all our sites are ISO 45001 certified, this shows our ambition to proactively prevent ill-health and harm.

Contributing to targets

By 2030 we aim to achieve world-class Health and Safety performance with a Lost Time Incident Frequency Rating across Intersnack of 0.3 or less.