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- Hand cooked crisps supported across channels
- Veg Crisps and Nut Medley range also feature for the first time


KP Snacks has announced that it will be supporting its Tyrrells range with a £1.5M marketing investment ahead of the Christmas period.

Tyrrells will be back on TV, again featuring its Hand Cooked English crisps, but also for the first time ever, its Tyrrells Vegetable Crisps and new Tyrrells Nut Medley range. The campaign will also feature in print and digital to drive momentum and awareness amongst consumers looking for a premium, great tasting snack this Christmas. As the first Christmas campaign for the Tyrrells brand, the investment looks to increase awareness of the range as the perfect option for those special sharing occasions.

With its English provenance & passion for quality, the brand that’s available in a variety of flavours, is expertly seasoned with recipes that contain authentic ingredients offers shoppers something to enjoy for all their special sharing occasions across all of its crisps and nuts range.

The ‘Tyrrellbly Tyrrellbly Tasty’ TV seasonal campaign launches on November 26th and will run until December 20th featuring four 10 second creatives. Old black and white Pathé footage is overlaid with pops of colour and a fun Christmas twist, such as carol singers holding nuts or revellers dancing whilst holding oversized crisps. All the adverts of course hero different products in the Tyrrells range, and in some instances, highlight the lesser known flavours – this is all delivered in a tongue in cheek, humorous way.

Kevin McNair, Marketing Director KP Snacks says: “The Tyrrellbly Tyrrellbly Tasty Christmas campaign is designed to drive awareness of Tyrrells while highlighting how it’s the perfect snack for you to treat yourself, family and friends to over the festive period. However, at this time of year, it is extremely important to be able to successfully cut through all the noise that comes with the season. Our Tyrrells brand personality and style combined with the Christmas theme has enabled us to create some fun and engaging content whilst still landing our brand messages”.

Taste and quality is at the heart of the Tyrrells offering and its authentic English heritage attracts consumers all over the UK, and internationally too. With a £50.8m RSV[1] in the UK, Tyrrells products are currently purchased by over 5.5m households, with its main shoppers falling within the 45yr+ ABC1 category[2]. It is the UK’s No.1 vegetable crisp brand and the No.2 hand cooked crisp. It recently won 3 Great Taste Awards, bringing the total number of prestigious award-wins across the portfolio up to 86.

[1] Nielsen  Scantrack 03.10.20

[2] Kantar WPO 14.06.20

Modern Slavery Statement 2024

Modern Slavery Statement 2024

Modern Slavery Statement 2023

Modern Slavery Statement 2023

Modern Slavery Statement 2022

Modern Slavery Statement 2022

KP’s Tax Strategy

KP’s Tax Strategy

Gender Pay Gap Report 2023

Gender Pay Gap Report 2023