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Hand cooked crisps supported across channels


KP Snacks has announced that it will be back on TV supporting its Tyrrells hand cooked English crisps range with a £1M marketing investment leading up to and over the Easter period.

With a focus on the delicious taste of Tyrrells, the new ad will hero the irresistible flavour credentials of the range.  The new creative once again takes old Pathé footage with larger than life ingredients and packs inserted in a humorous way.  In this version two women are on a mission to share their favourite snack.  Carrying giant bags of Tyrrells Cheddar and Chive and Sweet Chilli and Red Pepper  flavour, the ladies share their delicious crisps with neighbours by going door to door and even handing them out of their car window to passers-by.  The ad features an evolved strap line “there’s tasty, then there’s Tyrrellbly, Tyrrellbly, Tyrrellbly tasty”, emphasising the confidence the brand has in the taste of its products.

The advert, which airs from 15th March to 18th April 2021, looks to drive awareness and trial of Tyrrells over the key Easter sharing period and promote the great taste and flavours of the range. With its English provenance and passion for quality, the range is available in a variety of flavours, is expertly seasoned with recipes that contain authentic ingredients, and offers shoppers something to enjoy for all their special sharing occasions.

Kevin McNair, Marketing Director KP Snacks says: “This campaign continues to evolve, after our launch in 2019, and then our Christmas edits. We are thrilled now to introduce another advertisement that is really focussed on our amazing taste. We think this latest piece of creative highlights just how confident we are in the delicious taste of our products and how they are the perfect snack for you to treat yourself, family and friends, in a fun and engaging way. Quality is at the heart of the Tyrrells offering, making it the perfect product for consumers looking for a premium sharing experience across all occasions but particularly this Easter”.

Tyrrells pride themselves on quality, English provenance and authentic ingredients attracts consumers all over the UK, and internationally too. The range includes vegetable crisps and its latest addition Nut Medley – alongside its most known Hand Cooked potato crisp range. With a £52.6m RSV and growing in value +5.9%[1] MAT in the UK, Tyrrells products are currently purchased by over 5.9m households with its main shoppers falling within the 45yr+ ABC1 category[2].  The brand has a 16.4% share of Premium Crisps and Snacks with value sales growing 9.9% YTD in the premium sharing segment[3]. With an impressive 86 Great Taste Awards across the range, Tyrrells is the perfect brand to cater for those special or informal sharing occasions.

[1] Nielsen  Scantrack 30.01.21

[2] Kantar WPO 14.06.20

[3] Nielsen Scantrack 30.01.2021

Modern Slavery Statement 2024

Modern Slavery Statement 2024

Modern Slavery Statement 2023

Modern Slavery Statement 2023

Modern Slavery Statement 2022

Modern Slavery Statement 2022

KP’s Tax Strategy

KP’s Tax Strategy

Gender Pay Gap Report 2023

Gender Pay Gap Report 2023